some wrote anonymously...this christmas...
i miss the days when my brothers and i were best friends...
another wrote amidst pain and a feeling of being incomplete:
i still christmas shop for you even though you are gone...
and i sat there...crying...
i could feel the pain...
it felt as if it was breathing down my throat...
i knew sorrow...
for a moment it felt as if everything had stopped...
the world experienced a pause...
there were some who hath escaped...
there was an artist who frantically wanted to capture one last shot...
of such serenity and peace...
at great personal risk...
there was a war time reporter...
who never knew anything but death and fear...
there was a poet...
whose alacrity from current affairs was more visible now...
i dont know why i was there...
i gate-crashed...
i wanted to...
sometimes i really want to...but i cant...
sometimes i cant but i really want to...
sometimes i can but i cant...
sometimes i cant but i can...
sometimes i should but i couldnt
sometimes i could but i wouldnt
sometimes i am...
othertimes i aint...
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