'i want to beg you oh man, as much as i can, to be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked room, like a melodic symphony,and like books which are written in a very foreign language. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps you will then gradually without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.'
There is a man...when the whole world is fast asleep...he wakes up...
he acknowledges the Higher Existence...
Why man why?
you so powerful.
you so immortal.
you so mean.
you so rich.
you so arrogant.
you so stubborn.
you so proud.
Why man Why?
That man then heads to his fields...
appreciates dawn...
because he can see the replenished earth...
free from sins...
free from pain...
there is God...
he steps on a blade of grass...
the dew drops make love to it...
that blade is treasured...
We arent...
he walks on frozen ice...
ice: protector of that blade...
why you scared man?
Got no friends ehhhhh?
got your brother on your case ehhhh?
got a daddy who doesnt know ehhhh?
got a mommy who emphasizes too much?
got a sister who has moved ahoy?
He moves...
ice gnaws at him...
but the man stealthily moves...
his heart is adrift...
his senses are recovering...
there is light...
he feels it...
it is the light which hath been taken at night...
when evil was born...
the nightrider...
the light...i see light...
the man is sheltered by it...
yet there is dark...
then he knows...
the light he sees is his own...
he walks to his beloved fields...
his wife never conceived...
he never complained...
he knew his duty was larger than life...
not just individuals...
mankind at large...
he toiled hard...
because he was the farmer...
not superman....
not batman...
not spiderman...
but a farm man...
while the world worshipped falsified hero...
he was the unsung hero...
Well done!
[url=http://reerznad.com/anqn/zkzx.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://ndmepfxo.com/hyjx/ghzk.html]Cool site[/url]
Well done!
http://reerznad.com/anqn/zkzx.html | http://rccpgqir.com/ldcx/ayxz.html
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