sometimes we humans tend to picturize mere mortals as bein otherwise...
i feel that shouldnt be...
they too were young...
they too were silly...
they too were unreasonable...
i feel that greatness comes from within...
excruciating circumstances is an integral tool for those who want to etch their names in history...
sometimes we need to be sure of ourselves...
a saying goes like,'When the going gets tough...the tough get going...'
Sometimes we need to tell ourselves that we can...if they can so can we...
Sometimes we need inspiration...
sometimes we need love...
sometimes we just need to profess...
There are times when we stray...there are times when we act...there are times when we assume...times when we generalize...
we ought to remember who we are...
MAO is one such inspiration...
the means justified the ends...whatever happened in Tiananmen square where numerous Chinese student laid down their lives is preserved in history itself...
sometimes one of us has to take a stance...
to lead...
to rule...
to guide...
be the change that you want to see in this world...
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