the beginnings of an end...
vestiges of a civilization...
remnants of a memory...
rudimentary road less travelled...
the tranquil lanes within...
the levies which bound us...
the rye that propels you...
the haste that rides upon you...
the lust for power...
the pleasure of pain...
the rape of a soul...
the workings of the devil...
the manifestoes of the rich...
the silent pleads of the poor...
the perfect rotundity of the circle...
the callous workings of the human mind...
the selfish relentless pursuits of money...
the monetary facet of our existence...
of our relations...
the circle keeps growing on us...
while darkness spreads upon us...
the dawn of purity just never reaches us...
all our lives...
we pass off in haste...
amidst hunger for power...
there was a time...
when dreams were operable...
where there were no selfish motives...
where innocense was prevalent...
the childhood arena...
the dilemma of being OLD...
being an adult...
being educated...
all those realms...
that we achieved...
the dreams walked away...
the visions deserted...
innocense was raped...
amidst the chaos...
there was me...
there is NO ME...
i pose...
i pass off...
i smile...
i tactfully skip...
and skim...
all those chasing away from my own self...
i am my own prisoner...
locked in my own prison...
by my own soul...
there will be a time...
where the torment shall not be...
the pain will subside...
the wounds will heal...
and i will b there...
walking by...
with you in my arms...
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