Saturday, October 20, 2007

The moments...

the art...
the soul...
the physical indulgence...
the act...
be it prayer...
be it music...
be it science...
be it art...
defining the essence of life...
it's like a flash...
and then...
all gone in a blink...
the phenomenon...
the beauty from up there...
amidst the skies...
flanked by angels...
surrounded by horizons...
there it is...
and it's over...
is it a blessing...
a curse...
remnants of a shoddy existence...
or the path to tranquility...
from now...
to now...
life prances...
warming the congealed blood...
fueling us...
reinvigorating us to follow...
the quest...
is it?
am i?
will we?
do i?
where though?
and at the end...
if you can smile...
if life taught you to...
your a winner...
in that defining moment...
when a mother gives birth...
when a bee returns home for honey...
when a salmon gives birth and dies for it...
life is there to be witnessed...
in all it's grandeur and beauty...
and tomorrow...
would be a new horizon to witness...
a new goal...
this is to those who live...!!!

1 comment:

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

You have such a wonderful & unique way of writing. You bare your soul for all of us to see what's within your mind.

I'm glad you've returned to your writing and thank you for stopping by to let me know of your return. As always I find your writing very inspirational to me. You tell a story in each piece you write. Sometimes it's just a story about a moment in time, or a passing thought, but you make it very interesting to read.