Tuesday, September 25, 2007


sometimes i feel that one has to step outside the box...
give Monsieur Logic and Frau Common Sense a break...
it is sad when people forget to breathe...
the art of living...
of being happy and forwarding it to those who need it the most in the happiness chain
the little boy in Africa...
the little orphan in Afghanistan...
the elongated and devastated mother in Iraq...
it exist?
where? who decides that?
imagine if there is no light at the break of dawn...
imagine that the taps of the world run dry...
scarcity of the basic ameneties we have always taken for granted...
there is draught...
mother earth is sad and violated...
she sounds her trumpets and it thunders...
she can't cry and the rivers dry up...
paralysed and thus no crops...
there we are...
the being who thinks its always about them...
tonight there is no night...
there is no tomorrow...
there never was a yesterday and there will be no today..
and yet something feels right...
deep down in the bosom there is still warmth...
there are stirrings...
impatient and yet passionate...
the yearning and the drive...
the vigor and the mercurial vapors to succeed...
something keeps propelling the belief systems...
to believe in the light...
to rise up and dream...
it all sinks in...
coincidences i'd think not...
touche or dejavu...
left or right...
east or west...
i seek...
and yet someone somewhere far away makes me alter my beliefs...
someday i'd tell her...
till then...
i will express...
of the woebegone times...
of the old and the foolish...
of youth and volatility...
somewhere by a street light...
i'd be standing...
waiting to make dreams with you...
tonight i escape...
to the dazed passages of slumber...
the conquest begins...
and while someone somewhere will lose a life...
many more will be borne...
fortunes will be made...
fortunes would be plundered...
the wheel of life would continue...
there will be rainbows...
there will be storms...
tsunamis and hurricanes...
monsoons and snowfalls...
and life would go on...
so will we...
this is to life...
and to someone who makes it more holistic...
to life...

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