Ever felt like nothing seems to make sense? Everytime you tap on the keyboard and seem to jumble up your ideas and the right words cease to appear on the screen and the incessant blinking of the cursor bugs you. There are times when nothing seems to go right and you absolutely detest anything that moves(and even things which are inanimate).
I feel like such is my case. It has been so ruddy long since i last conversed with myself. Trust me i am not presenting any excuses but genuinely feel that it is injustice to suppress your soul and your emotions. We all have our ways of expressing our emotions and my niche is probably writing my heart out. And in a weird way it's not the same writing to yourself in Microsoft Word.
Life has never been this interesting and this exciting in a long time. It's like the ushering in of a new era. A new beginning. Rekindled soul. It's like a pilgrimage. A Journey which we undertake for holistic causes. And yet even when everything seems to go right...when you imagine that nothing could probably go wrong...
you still end up feeling incomplete for no obvious reason...
when you desire something more than the obvious...
i feel that we need to voice our opinions...
be it our political views, religious observations, academic experiences, or just our own intellect, we, human beings, being social need to vent out our energy, otherwise our karma frustrates us.
i don't really know how much sense i make...
Ever known what it feels like to wait...
and wait...
and wait...
transition can sometimes be like that...
times when it leads you on...
it's like switching on and off...
on and off...
on and off...
ahhhhhh the monotony...
it's like being taken advantage of... :) i mean it...
ironic as it may sound, i can be so funny in real life, laugh, pull up my socks and a straight face...
never letting my defences drop...
and yet...
i can't seem to act...
so much has been going on...
where do i begin?
what do i say?
do i talk about the poverty around me?
the inequality?
the brawls?
how many people lose their lives everyday in the just name of 'terrorism'?
Or do i write about the political debacles and the unbecoming politicians who are everything BUT the representatives of the common man...are they really our figure heads who ought to be plastered as figurines in our households???
Or are we squandered of our rights everyday?
Do i write about religious extremism?
The uncouth incidents occuring in the sanctimonious month of muharram...
Do i quote the democrats and their chichi ways...or their hypocrisy?
Is Iran that bad?
How important is 'Big Brother' for all of us?
Since when has Shilpa Shetty been the representative of the Indian people the world over?
Who's worse?
Saddam or Bush?
Is bad someone who is weak enough to cede in?
Or is he someone who was too stupid for their own good?
Or are they people who are dumb enough to get caught? Or even piss their seniors...
Where is humanity?
When i look around...
every banner...
every facet of life reeks of materialism...
the billboards proclaim it...
and so does the rest of the media...
who are the moguls???
Not the aristocrats...
when was the last time you heard of Plato or Aristotle...
ahhhh well Donald Trump is quite a household name though...
how moralistic are these people...
and then there is war...
all around us...
everyday of our lives...
a constant strife...
the streets are not safe...
little children do not know outdoors anymore...
there are villains who are deadlier than any vampire could ever be...
where did all those heroes go?
Diana died...
So did Mother Teresa...
who do we eulogize about?
and yet inroads have been achieved...
A female president for USA?
Equality for women?
Equal participation?
Economic sanctity?
and then i smile...
more blasts...
sometimes in the neighbourhood...
Sometimes in Baghdad...
Sometimes in Damascus...
Sometimes in Beirut...
muslims annihilated...
and you sit...
and you sit...
and you sit...
innocense lost...
i'm pulverized...
how long do i wait?
was life really about personal endeavours?
then what about rising to the occassion and standing up for what you believed in?
where did all the souls run off to?
Since when was money the official representative of our societies?
and yet there aree people...
who lay their lives for others...
people who cross borders...
war correspondents...
UN workers...
humanitarian workers...
Red Cross...
NGO's fulfilling the needs of aids victims...
acid burn victims...
people who create trusts and grants for such beings...
aren't those the heroes of today...
the unsung heroes...
they need not stand in the line of fire...
and yet they do...
they are greater than all of us...
bigger than thou...
and i keep smiling...
for i know...
that tomorrow...
when i wake up...
and if i am lucky...
i might meet someone...
whom i'd cherish forever...
and i go on...
smiling all the way...
innocense restored...
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