Friday, September 29, 2006


treading on those paths...
those less travelled roads...
those mad dashes...
the soporific moments...
the souls are wrapped...
visions are disshevelled...
the signs are faulty...
strangers are relatives...
relatives are strangers...
loved ones are shot at...
enemies are embraced...
souls are cast away...
there is plundering...
all is lost...
once there was love...
there was happiness...
cast a glance...
not a menacing one...
neither a predatory one...
neither a hallucinating glance...
a pure glance...
of concern and love...
feel the pain and anguish...
the plight and misery...
at the charred souls...
of those woe begone times...
and feel...
but then...
you can't feel...
distances are breached...
lines are drawns...
borders are etched...
barriers are erected...
the clique make the calls...
the dummies carry them out...
never knowing what they do...
they just do...
today humans are more disgruntled than ever before...
the pope doesn't make sense...
neither do the clerics...
BUSH certainly doesn't...
who wins...
who loses...
what do we know???
those headlines are everyday news...
she was raped...
he was killed...
mutilated bodies...
there was Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa...
there was Prophet Muhammad and there was Moses...
voices of change...
either live it...
or be the change...
there is a destiny...
marked for you...
stand up for your beliefs...
and one day...
you will be...
not a mere mortal...
but beyond...
nowhere near cloud number nine...
but beyond it...

and during all this time...
i feel that i just gave myself a reality check...
a wee bit of me...
and it feels good...
the air feels lighter...
it has begun...


Natasha said...

your background is so beautiful and distracting at the same time.

kinda feels like you're in paris while reading your stuff :)

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Very well said...this is how I feel about today's world.

I hope that all is well with you because you haven't written anything since Sept.

Please take care and I hope to see you posting soon.

Ozair said...

hellllllllllooooooooo!!! :D