humans have weaknesses...
we can't get enough...
we can't live enough...
we can't digest enough...
we can't hurt enough...
we can't love enough...
we can't hog enough...
we can't bitch enough...
we just can't...
seemingly we have learnt to be selfish...
love is for the rich...
love is for those who can shower a bracelet...
who can spare a necklace...
who can gift a diamond...
love has walked out...
from the destitute...
the poor...
the needy...
the special children...
love hath commercialized...
love is in posh restaurants...
love is a commercial entity...
if you love you better have a pocket to go along with it...
love is no longer a feeling...
no longer an emotion...
we pestered love...
we raped love...
we massacred love...
we brutally traumatized love...
we spill blood...
blood is a snippet of our gory imagination...
we have a lust for the red liquid...
love is taken away...
love is denied to little children...
mothers wail...
orphans weep...
fathers and brothers lay dead...
the widow bandwagon is brimming...
the newborn toll is rising...
and yet...
love hath walked away...
the war shall go on...
a war to jeopardize...
a war to plunder
i shall stand there...
a mere spectator...
a mere speckle shines...
up up up...
nice yar. can i suggest something... instead of starting every line the way you do.. try experimenting with a combination of both sentences and fragments... i think that would come out nice... loved the thought though
Thanks for comments you posted on my blogeyyy :)
and i like your post to0o..
I didnt know that the eiffel tower was visable in Lahore! or is the building Minar-e-Pakistan??
I have a poem too! please read:
roses are red
and violets are blue
I clutch my fist..
sometimes roses smell like poo poo.
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