this time it's special...
this time it's real...
this time it all adds up...
it makes sense...
it's in the air...
the flowers seem to contain it...
the grass hums its own tune...
the birds have never been more melodic...
the trees never greener...
i hear it all around me...
the air whispers it in my ears...
the smile of a stranger suddenly makes sense too...
uncanny really how everything is in complete harmony...
the sky couldn't be bluer either...
and here i am...
in the midst...
at the epicenter...
with a certain someone...
who makes me want to conquer the world...
who makes me want to believe...
who makes me love...
makes me want to be a better person...
be the man i should be...
there are times when i can't seem to tell you...
all these things...
times when i don't quite comprehend the magnitude of what we have...
the scope of our involvement...
the depth of our love...
but i have never felt more secure...
never really wanted to step it up...
to take control...
to tackle and move on...
to stand up...
and just be...
for now i can...
because the sun shines with all its glory...
the moon reminds me of you...
this is to a certain someone...
who has made me forget...
who has healed...
who has reminded me...
the essence of life...
of what it entails...
and i don't ever want to live in a parallel paradigm...
for this is where i belong...
for this is who i am...
for this is where i want to be...
for this is me...
and while all this happens...
all i can say is...
I love you Salwa...
i do...i do...i do...
for what we have is true...
nothing more...nothing less...
Thank you for everything babes!