it's been a long time since i last connected with myself...
a long time since i vented out...
shared a moment...
held a hand...
looked in the eyes...
nurtured her soul...
pestered her...
chatted her up...
and spend the better half of the night wondering...
how i ever got so lucky...
it's amazing how she can still make me smile...
she's nameless...
i barely know her...
but she resides...
deep down...
that someday she will be back...
we have our little escapades...
where i am tormented by my own existence...
but then you learn...
to assuage your fears...
and grapple with who you are...
she makes you a better person...
completes you...
and yet what if you were too scared to go on...
and you let go...
this is to moments...
those moments...
when you look back and wish...
just WISH...
and wonder...
what could have been...
sometimes we can all be lonely...
we can be prone...
that no one really listens...
that no one really cares...
and just then...
she makes up for everything...
justifies every tormented moment you spent chatting up your soul...
this is to you...
for i know...
deep deep down...
that you will be...